Addictions courses
Behavioral Couples Therapy in the Management of Substance Use Disorders | English | 2.25 CEs | $22
Join Dr. Afua Forson, MD, LMFT for a discussion of Behavioral Couples Therapy as an effective evidence based model in promoting abstinence within the context of the couple relationship. The ultimate goal of this seminar is to educate the practitioner on how to effectively implement the systemic approach of BCT in the clinical setting. . . Read more
Cannabis | English | 2.25 CEs | $20
Medication or addictive drug? Both are facets of cannabis. This course discusses the history, usefulness, dangers, and treatment options for cannabis use. It also explores how legalization of cannabis has allowed the marijuana industry to change mental and physical health outcomes. . . Read more
Essential Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Substance Use Disorders | English | 2.25 CEs | FREE
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most effective and frequently used techniques to facilitate client growth and change. Video roleplays of easy-to-use methods for substance-using clients will assist you to improve your skills.. . .Read more
Evening the Odds – Addressing Health Inequity in Practice | English | 2.0 CEs | $22
Join Campbell and Coleman, clinical social workers in the Mid-Hudson for over a decade, to explore health equity and the relationship between health care inequity and the current opioid crisis. . . Read More
Healing the Opioid Crisis with M.O.R.E. | English | 2.0 CEs | FREE
Join Dr. Eric Garland, LCSW, Ph.D.. as he explores the theoretical basis, description, and demonstration of Mindfulness Oriented Recovery Enhancement, M.O.R.E., an evidence-based treatment for Opiate and other Substance Use Disorders. . . .Read more
Screenings, Brief Interventions, Referrals to Treatment and Beyond! | English | 2.0 CEs | $22
Rising overdose deaths make it imperative for counselors to diagnose substance use and mental health disorders quickly. This course demonstrates screenings and brief interventions to identify and counter SUD and MH symptoms. . . Read more
Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual Esencial | Español | 2.5 CEs | GRATIS | Estudio de investigación
Únase a los psicoterapeutas experimentados Dr. Ruth Campbell, LCSW y Richard Coleman, LMSW mientras discuten y demuestran cómo la Terapia Cognitiva Conductual (TCC), un método colaborativo (cliente y terapeuta) basado en la teoría del aprendizaje social, se usa con los Trastornos por Uso de Sustancias. Leer más