CCPLLC Grievance Policy 2024

CCPLLC Grievance Policy 2024

The  grievance/complaint policy of Connections Counseling PLLC follows:

Connections Counseling Psychotherapy LCSW PLLC (CCPLLC) is committed to conducting all activities in conformance with the standards of the Association of Social Work Boards. CCPLLC will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content, and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with the standards will be the responsibility of the CE Advisory Committee, including the SW Consultant Christina Iler, LCSWR and CE Director, Ruth Campbell, LCSW, Ph.D. The CE Director will respond in writing to any written complaint.

When issues arise that require intervention or action on the part of the CE Advisory Committee, the following procedures will be implemented to manage such grievances.

CCPLLC Course Participants will be asked to provide written feedback about a course or webinar at the end of the presentation. Space will be included to express any grievance they might have with the program. When a participant, either or by oral or in written format, files a grievance and expects action on the complaint, the following actions will be taken.

1. If the grievance concerns a speaker, the content presented by the speaker, or the style of presentation, the individual filing the grievance will be asked to put his/her comments in written format. The CE Advisory Committee will discuss the participant comments to determine whether the choice of speaker, the speaker’s content or style of presentation has violated the commitment of CCPLLC to the aforementioned standards of non-discrimination. If violation has occurred, the Advisory Committee will discuss the options below and recommend one or more to the CE Director and SW consultant. If the participant requests action, the procedure for article #2 will be followed. The confidentiality of the grieved individual will be assured.

  a. Removal of speaker from roster of speakers.
  b.  Pass comments to speaker, requesting change in content to conform to non-discriminatory policies of ASWB.
 c. Pass comments to speaker, requesting discussion between speaker and CE Director and/or SW consultant concerning content or style change to conform to non-discriminatory policies of ASWB.

2. If the grievance concerns a workshop offering, its content, level of presentation, or the facilities in which the workshop was offered, the CE Director or SW consultant  will be the final arbitrators. If the participant requests action, the CE Advisory Committee will discuss the options below and recommend one to the CE Director and SW consultant :

    a. moving the participant to another workshop
   b. providing a credit for a subsequent year’s workshop
   c. providing a partial or full refund of the workshop fee

Actions 2b and 2c will require a written note, documenting the grievance, for record keeping purposes. The note need not be signed by the grieved individual.

3. If the grievance concerns a recorded audio/video course offering, its content, level of presentation, or technology issues concerning the course, the CE Director or SW consultant will be the final arbitrator. If the participant requests action the CE Advisory Committee will discuss the following options and recommend one to the CE Director and SW consultant:
   a. provide  a credit for another course
  b. provide a partial or full refund of the course fee.

Actions 3b and 3c will require a written note, documenting the grievance, for record keeping purposes. The note need not be signed by the grieved individual.
4. If the grievance concerns CCPLLC CE program, in a specific regard, the CE Advisory Committee will be notified and the  CE Director and SW consultant will attempt to arbitrate.

If you have a grievance or complaint, you should contact BPTI through the email at or call CCPLLC at 845-255-5022. Your concerns will be reviewed and discussed by the CE Advisory Committee, including the CE Director Ruth Campbell and the Social Work consultant, Christina Iler.  You should allow 10 business days for an official response to your concern or complaint.

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