LIVE 2025 March Courses 12 CEs

Call Ruth at 845-255-5022, or text her at 845-633-6665 to register for courses presented on Saturday mornings in March. Leave your name and phone number (slowly, clearly). Receive a call back for details and payment within 24 hours. If you have to miss a live session, you can get CEs from the recorded version for free. Sale prices for individual courses continue throughout March.

Treating the Performing Artist – Creating Core Wellness and Professional Excellence

2 CEs | Sat. March 1, 10 am – 12 pm | beginning to intermediate-level live webinar for NY clinicians (LMSWs, LCSWs, LMHCs, LMFTs, CASACs)

The content
Join Andrew Schaeffer, strength trainer and counselor, as he discusses the integration of mental and physical health and how counselors can help a client identify and remove blocking beliefs that are expressed in physical inabilities. Participants will be able to: assess the psychological needs and challenges of the performing artist, list the links between MH interventions and skills of the artist, and identify 2 specific interventions that can assist an artist in performance

The author
Andrew Schaeffer, MA, MHC and CSCS is the presenter. He is a counselor, strength coach, wellness educator, and lover of learning. “I believe personal wellness is about how we interact with the world and how the world interacts with us.” Andrew will be happy to answer questions during or after the webinar.

$46 for recorded version

Protecting and Advocating for Immigrants in a Time of Change

2 CEs | Sat. March 8, 10 am – 12 pm | beginning to intermediate-level live webinar for NY clinicians (LMSWs, LCSWs, LMHCs, LMFTs, CASACs).

The content
Join Dr. George Ramos as he discusses performing mental health evaluations for those who are immigrants. Many immigrants need a mental health evaluation to get treatment or to improve or verify their immigration status. This 2-hour-long beginning to intermediate level presentation will be available on March 8 from 10 am to 12 pm.

The author
Dr. George Ramos, LMHC, Ph.D. is the presenter. Dr. Ramos offers in-depth counseling to residents of New York City using a variety of therapies and techniques. He hosts webinars on the subject of mental health as well as immigration and is president and board member of Staff Trainers, Inc, an organization to benefit clinicians who work in the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Mental Health (MH) fields. Dr. Ramos will be happy to answer questions during or after the webinar.

$46 $23 until March 31st 8:00 pm

Motivational Interviewing – Introduction to the Basic Skills 2025

3 CEs | Sat. March 15, 10 am – 1 pm | beginning to intermediate-level webinar for NY clinicians (LMSWs, LCSWs, LMHCs, LMFTs, CASACs).

The content
Join Tina Iler to explore the basics of Motivational Interviewing. Participants will be able to ask questions and share their problems and solutions in this 3-hour-long interactive workshop. Tina will focus on the Spirit of Motivational Interviewing, the Four Tasks, the OARS microskills, and the difference between Sustain Talk and Change Talk.

The author
Tina Iler, LCSWR is passionate about Motivational Interviewing and trains extensively in MI. In her individual therapy, she provides compassionate support to work towards developing coping skills for healthier choices, improved self care, and building resilience to live life with greater ease and acceptance of past or present circumstances. She has presented Motivational Interviewing workshops in New York and nationwide for over a decade. As a trainer, she is resourceful, dynamic, and creative. Feedback from previous archived webinar attendees: “It was very informative and I’ve been using this framework within my practice.” -Abigail, Idaho  more on Iler’s bio. .

$69 $35 until March 31st 8:00 pm

Parents of Challenging Adult Children: Clients in Need of Clinical Expertise

2 CEs | Sat. March 22, 10 am – 12 pm | beginning to intermediate-level webinar for NY clinicians (LMSWs, LCSWs, LMHCs, LMFTs, CASACs).

The content
Join Judith Smith to discuss issues of clinicians working with the parents of adult children with substance use disorder or serious mental illness.  Parents are often the forgotten link in the pathway to recovery. Learn how to support and educate mothers who are the default safety-net for their adult children, whose substance or mental health disorders interfere with their ability to be self-supporting. Learn about mothers’ complex and multi-layered feelings of resentment, fear, grief, and commitment to protecting their sons and daughters. Gain practical insights and valuable skills that empower you to provide meaningful support to parents.

The author
Judith R. Smith, Ph.D., LCSW, is a NYC-based psychotherapist, professor, and researcher on women’s issues as they age.  She is a professor Emerita, at Fordham University.  She offers support groups on-line for mothers with difficult adult children. 
Today, as a senior researcher, her interest is on older mothers and how women are affected by and cope when their adult children are struggling with issues that interfere with their autonomy and self-sufficiency. Dr. Smith will be happy to answer questions during or after the webinar.

$46 $23 until March 31st 8:00 pm

Essentials of Mental Wellness Counseling

3 CEs | Sat. March 29, 10 am – 1 pm | beginning to intermediate level webinar for NY clinicians (LMSWs, LCSWs, LMHCs, LMFTs, CASACs).

Join Ruth Campbell and Richard Coleman to explore how mental health issues create barriers to core mental wellness – the feeling of confidence and wholeness. Campbell and Coleman discuss assessing and engaging with those who have mental health issues, and discuss and demonstrate treatment strategies for depression, anxiety and PTSD. A case-oriented approach highlights strategies that are successful for both clinicians and clients.
In this three-hour-long beginning to intermediate level, live webinar participants will be able to: 1) identify 2 stress-reducing techniques, 2) list 2 mental health assessments, 3) list two ways of establishing rapport, 4) list 2 elements of secure attachment, 5) describe one successful method for reducing trauma, 6) explain how one of the techniques demonstrated in the workshop will be useful in their practice.

The authors
Ruth Campbell, LCSW, Ph.D. and Richard Coleman, LMSW have private practices in the mid-Hudson Valley in New York. They each have over thirty years in practice, which includes extensive practice in the mental health and substance use disorder fields.
They have specialized in therapy with traumatized individuals, successfully using various techniques for desensitization and trauma work, and are exploring the enhancement of trauma work with the use of an attachment focus, influenced by Parnell. Campbell and Coleman will be happy to answer questions during or after the webinar.

$69 $35 until March 31st 8:00 pm


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Call 845-255-5022 or text 845-633-6665 to register

Leave your name and phone number to register for the whole package or for your favorite course


Be ready to give your credit card info

On a return call, be ready to give your course choice and credit card information. After you pay for the course, you will receive a confirmation that we registered your payment within 24h.


Show up for the live webinar

You will receive a link to the live webinar 24 hours before the session.

Connections Counseling Psychotherapy, LCSW, PLLC is a professional counseling organization which has been formed to offer clinical social work services (mental health and substance abuse counseling) and continuing education services to the public. We have over 30 years’ clinical and teaching experience. Our primary goal is to relieve distress that occurs when people have mental health or substance abuse problems. We have offices in New Paltz, NY and New York City and accept most insurances.

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